How Referral Links are Used by

Through the use of affiliate links, recommends goods and services to its users, earning a commission.

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We occasionally use affiliate links when we suggest a good or service that is a member of an affiliate program. Please note that the buyer will not incur any additional charges as a result of this.

We may use affiliate links when we advocate a product or service that is part of an affiliate network. Please be aware that this does not increase the purchaser’s costs. evaluates and analyzes Treadmill services, vendors, and products. These events are occasionally discounted or paid for by the company providing the product/service.

To promote openness and to safeguard ourselves and our site visitors’ experiences, please consider that one or more of the following may be true for any product or service mentioned with a link on

We are paid ongoing commissions for any purchases made through one of our referral links; we are paid a one-time commission for any sales made through one of our referral links; and we are given a discount on the product or service being evaluated, ranging from 10% to 100%.
While we may have been compensated for our feature or services, we do not promise good evaluations and limit the products and services we review to a limited few depending on quality.

Please refer to our privacy policy or contact us if you have any further questions about this affiliate disclaimer.