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MonSports Walking Pad 2-in-1 Foldable Treadmill

Overall Rating

Performance (3.5/5)

Cushioning (3.5/5)

Technology (3.5/5)

Portability (4.8/5)

Durability (4/5)

Value for money (3.5/5)

In the fitness business, the MonSports WalkingPad R2 is a ground-breaking 2-in-1 space-saving treadmill that has gained a lot of attention, especially on social media. This cutting-edge apparatus is made to fit on a small footprint and provide people a great exercise. Users can customise the intensity of their workout based on their goals by selecting between two modes: walking and running. It’s the perfect option for brisk walkers looking for a simple and quick approach to get exercise in during the day. The popular WalkingPad under-bed and desk treadmill was intended to be replaced with a more appropriate model, the R2. It makes sense, though, that consumers on a tight budget might be hesitant to shell out cash for an expensive item that isn’t designed for vigorous activity.

  • Pros
  • Compact and space-saving design including a double folding deck and rails.
  • At 79.36 lbs, it is lightweight and portable and has front wheels for effortless mobility.
  • For under-desk exercises, fold down rails with a remote control and height adjustment.
  • Adaptive speed control in auto mode based on your position on the deck.
  • Technology using brushless motors allows for quieter, more efficient operation.
  • Cons
  • The maximum speed might not be ideal for individuals seeking intense physical activity.
  • The display screen has no speed controls.
  • Syncing apps can provide challenges.
  • Not a slope.
Bowflex Treadmill 10 Specifications
MaterialAlloy steel
Item Weight55 Pounds
Maximum Horsepower2.25 Horsepower
Speed Rating7.5 miles per hour
Dimensions48.43″D x 21.26″W x 41.73″H
Running Path17.3″ W x 47.2″ L
Maximum User Weight240 lbs
Maximum InclineNone
Step up Height3 inches

Style and Elements

The MonSports WalkingPad R2’s gorgeous aluminium alloy frame with a metallic coating provides a fantastic first impression. It’s without a doubt the most stylish walking machine design we’ve ever seen. Its minimalistic yet elegant display gives users an idea of what to expect from using it.

Running Belt

5 layers of non-slip running belt will greatly absorb shock and provide cushioning for knees and muscles. LED display clearly shows time, speed, distance and calories to monitor your exercise in real time.

Any kind of runner can benefit from the enhanced cushioning and shock absorption that the running belt offers. The R2 is more pleasant if you have joint or knee problems than the majority of walking treadmills, which are often low-end and cheaply made. Additionally, the anti-slip surface of the belt guarantees runners a secure and safe running experience on the machine. There are four levels of protection on the deck, with an elastic middle layer to cushion foot impact and reduce noise. Additionally, this prolongs the life of parts by preventing damage to internal components. Rarely, loud noises are mentioned in customer evaluations quickly after use; this is a problem that needs to be fixed by the business.

MonSports , Walking Pad, Foldable, belt, running, run, shock

Foldable features and a Compact design

The MonSports WalkingPad stands out from other treadmills primarily due to its adaptable and space-saving design. Most small treadmills have decks that slide away or fold all the way to the ceiling since they are not built with rails. The MonSports deck has foldable rails that can be tucked behind furniture, but it also double folds to half its original size before folding upright 180 degrees beneath the rails. This is ideal for tiny homes or apartments with limited space because it occupies a small fraction of the available space compared to competitors.

Minimalistic Style

The fact that the MonSports treadmill weighs only 79.36 lbs. won’t surprise anyone. Being 5’7″, I was able to lift the entire thing, however carrying did involve some muscle and effort. Regardless of height, it is simple to push around thanks to the two little transport wheels up front. The wheels drag on thick carpet, so there’s potential for improvement. Furthermore, we would have preferred it if the treadmill’s wheels had rotated sideways rather than remaining stationary, as it is designed to be portable. More significantly, though, the treadmill’s sturdy construction prevented it from shaking and moving around the room while being used, even at faster speeds.

The technology becomes more intriguing when it is in auto mode. Depending on your position on the deck, the speed of this feature adjusted automatically while you tested it. There is a running mode on the front and a walking mode on the back.

In order to increase the pace, you can warm up for five minutes in the back and then move forward. There are just two minor problems with this. The first is that keeping up a steady pace is difficult. The second is that you have to adjust your speed as you move somewhat around the deck because it isn’t very long. Other than that, it’s good to have to change things up because this was a very original method to make exercise more interesting.

MonSports , Walking Pad, Foldable, belt, running, run, shock

LED Indicator with Power Button

The console has a display that shows your steps, distance travelled, time, pace, and number of calories burned. Since many people who are attempting to stay in shape want to track their steps in order to meet popular fitness goals like 10,000 steps a day, including steps was a wonderful touch. The Walking Pad “KS Fit” app is a weak point for this company, and other reviews have mentioned issues with syncing, but theoretically you should be able to use it to keep track of that data and share it with Apple Health or Google Fit. Having said that, you can choose to view anything on a larger screen thanks to the smart device holder.

MonSports , Walking Pad, Foldable, belt, running, run, shock

Safety Elements

This treadmill was made with safety in mind. Typical safety features include an emergency stop that clips on in the event that you lose your balance or fall behind. To ensure that no one who isn’t authorised to operate it can, you can pull out the safety key. There are gripping metal footplates on the deck side rails. That made it simple for me to get on and off while working out at any speed when I needed a quick break.

Efficiency and Usability

Maximum Velocity, Velocity Range, and Volume

Consider the R2 to be a treadmill for walking with a running mode. It is comparable to cruising about in a dependable, economical daily driver with a smaller engine and a fun sports mode. You won’t be able to run fast enough at 7.45 mph at your maximum speed. However, because it works better for low- to moderate-intensity training and reduces the risk of injury, this is the best option for weight loss.Up to two hours of exercise can be done before needing a 30-minute break.

It is best suited for walking at a pace of 0.5 to 4 mph. The speed range can be changed in 0.5 increments, which is useful for adjusting pace more quickly, but it can be a noticeable jump, therefore they also should have included a 0.1 increment option.

Technology of Brushless Motors and Treadmill Belt

Although MonSports Walking Pad doesn’t state the motor HP, we estimate it to be between 1.0 and 1.5 HP, especially considering how similar it is to the WalkingPad x21 model. There are multiple ways in which brushless technology makes up for inadequate horsepower. The motor generates the spinning magnetic field that powers the treadmill belt using an intricate network of magnets and electronic electronics. As a result, the machine runs longer, quieter, and more effectively.

The MonSports Walkingpad R2 delivers a lot of power and operates in silence. When you jog faster, the noise level increases by 5 mph, but it still won’t wake your neighbours. Thus, you don’t have to be concerned about using it in the morning or at night. If you’re on an upper floor, any possible disturbance will primarily come from the impact of running, which is dependent upon the kind, thickness, and insulation of the ceiling and ground.


The walking area measures 17.3 W by 47.2 L. This is tiny, but adequate for most heights up to 6’7′′, with the goal of light to moderate exercise. Although the maximum weight capacity is 240 pounds, someone who is close to the limit might want to think about using a more powerful treadmill, such as the NordicTrack 1750 or XTERRA Fitness TRX3500.

The belt’s lone other flaw is that, although it is less obvious with time, there is a faint ridge along the length of the deck where the treadmill folds.

Standing Desk/Remote Control Compatibility

The R2 treadmill has a remote control that allows you to conveniently change the speed because the railings can be folded down to make the treadmill completely flat. Because customers can adjust the intensity of their exercise while continuing to use their laptop, this makes it perfect for anyone who use a standing desk layout. There is also height adjustment for the handrails. Therefore, even if you don’t require this functionality to walk while working, homes with numerous users will still find it appealing since the display and controls can be adjusted to accommodate any size individual.

Outstanding Features for Small Spaces

Lightweight and foldable, this cutting-edge 2-1 space saver treadmill offers a generous feature set in a compact design. It is simple to carry to a closet or to slide under or between pieces of furniture. This is one of the few treadmills you can actually hide from view without it turning into an ostentatious coat hanger because of the patent on the foldable design, which makes it difficult to copy.

Value And Cost

While prices might vary, the Walking Pad R2 is not the most affordable option at $850. While there are less expensive options for brisk walking, none of them have the space-saving qualities, cutting-edge hardware, stylish appearance, or peace of mind that this treadmill has. Budget treadmills are more likely to require maintenance sooner and wind up costing more than expected, so many people would rather pay a higher price now to avoid future issues and have a better workout experience while exercising.

Final Verdict

All things considered, the MonSports WalkingPad is a great option for people who wish to continue their exercise regimen but are limited on space. Because of its lightweight and small size, it is ideal for households or flats with little space for workout equipment. Additionally, a variety of features offer a cosy and adaptable experience that is suitable for all users, but especially for brisk walkers.

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